Microbial fogging services


Protect Your Environment

Microbial fogging or misting is the practice of using a special misting nozzle on an aerosol to release compressed disinfectants. ULV (Ultra-Low Volume) fogging can be used to sanitise, disinfect and tackle pathogens effectively, easily and efficiently. As part of our efforts to combat the spread of pathogens within internal and external environments, we have added this fogging to our essential services offering.


More About ULV Misting

ULV misting is a highly effective treatment in combating the spread of microbial contamination, especially in high-traffic areas. One of the major benefits of ULV misting is the productivity output as the process is able to target a vast area in a short amount of time.

ULV fogging uses an Ultra-Low Volume (ULV) misting technique, which is utilised to apply disinfectants, biocides, fungicides and pesticides to a variety of surfaces and areas. A fine mist is produced when combined with the disinfectant, which is then dispersed through a nozzle.

Our team is able to effectively sanitise any environment by using the ULV fogging method. The fog is heated as it emerges from the machine, which allows a fine mist-like residue to engulf the surrounding air. The spray plume will rise immediately, allowing it to slowly sink as it cools. The disinfectant product we utilise has been specifically designed for the use of fogging and kills 99.99% of all pathogens.

How Does Fogging Help Industries?

Aids in eliminating all environmental micro-organisms.

Hard-to-reach areas such as drains, vents, and canopies are easily accessed.

Tackles all pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, mould, and mycoplasma family groups.

Our recommended waiting time before an area can be accessed post-ULV misting is 45 minutes. The primary reason for this is to enable the residue to settle on all target surfaces, therefore increasing the success rate of disinfection. No cleaning or rinsing is required after the fogging is completed, as the residue which is left behind is not harmful.

In order for the application of ULV fogging to be effective, internal environments would need to be visibly clean, as this will allow for the chemical contact to tackle the micro-organisms correctly.

Our fogging solutions are a quick and cost-effective way to ensure your establishment or area is sufficiently sanitised. The chemical that we use is SANS 1853:2009 approved, and all relevant documentation can be provided upon request.